Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Article: Bay Area Wheat Makes a Comeback

A great article I missed during my hiatus. Eat Well and Full Belly Farms revive an historic wheat strain, Sonora wheat, that may have arrived in the Americas with Columbus. Wheat may never be king here again but the revival adds diversity and excitement to the locavore scene. Read it at while you can.

What's more you can purchase Sonora wheat at the Pie Ranch farm stand. You can then mill it yourself as the ranch has just received shipment of a new stone mill from Austria. More on that at Pie Ranch.
We can owe this revival to Monica Spiller who has a non-profit working to promote sustainably grown grains. See her work at Whole Grain Connection.

Also, check out Morrell's Bread, made with this local wheat at the Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you had any luck making the no-knead bread with Eatwell's hard red wheat? I have a few pounds but have not tried yet. I'm wondering what changes I'd need to make!

Thanks for reviving this... hope you are well.