Come check out a recent, and wonderful, new addition to our local foodscape. Avedano's Market on Cortland Avenue, in Bernal Heights, specializes in sustainably produced meats, locally produced organic produce, and specialized pantry items. They make amazing sandwiches. And on Sundays, if you are carnivorously inclined, they have the most addicting pork tacos north of the Rio Grande. To walk into Avedano's is to treat your nose, toungue and eyes, and will give you hope that we can reclaim a diverse food pallet right in a neighborhood market. Please ask questions. The staff is well informed and friendly, and knowing your food is what this place is about.
While new to many of us, Avedano's is also an attempt to revive the tradition of a neighborhood based, family operated store. It is in the site of Cicero's Meats, a neighborhood butchers that had served Bernal Heights since 1901 until just of few years ago.
Check out their website at Avedano's Holly Park Market
P.S. They have a fun selection of small-market sodas, Like Moxie Cola
apa itu breadcumb dalam hal SEO?
Dalam konteks SEO, breadcrumb (kadang disebut “breadcrumb trail” atau
“breadcrumb navigation”) adalah serangkaian tautan navigasi hierarkis yang
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1 month ago
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