If that weedy patch of what seems unusable ground seems just too intimidating to start cultivating, there are some folks in the city that will hold your hand to get you started. No border or window box is too small that it can't be put to use growing food. In the spirit of small-scale, urban agriculture that flourished during WWII, Victory Garden 2008+ aims at increasing backyard food production with as low an impact on the environment as possible. VG2008+ walks the walk too. For a time they were giving away garden starter kits and they delivered them by cargo tricycle. This coming summer they are planning to develop edible gardens at our City Hall. The ground breaking is scheduled for July 1, and they are looking for volunteers to join in.
If you are already growing food at home, fill out their garden registry. VG2008+ is compiling a data base of food gardens in the city to help estimate the amount of food produced here.
They have a great website, VG2008+ . Check out the home made knee pads. There is also a link to an article on the potential of urban agriculture.
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1 month ago
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